It has been a long time since I last wrote in this blog, it's almost a year! well I write again to say that it has been a fresh year full of knowledge and opportunities, respect, friends, peace and solace.
this blog will be refreshed in the next few weeks, it will be something completely different layout-wise and content-wise...after all let's apply the knowlege I have gathered so far!
I expect that drastic changes will start taking place between the end of May and end by the end of June. Again life is itself very fluid and flexible and time is but a relevant estimate of what you can expect to be seing in the next moth...
Actually now that I think of it, I am thinking of transforming my blog into an online magazine with monthly scattered news on anything about photography, theatre, web site and digital art design and ...why not provide me your suggestions of what is it that you would like to see in calliope8muse blogspot really?
for the moment you can go and enjoy some of my previous projects:
Utopia Place Project
Pomegranate Ecotopia web portal project
Me, Myself & Brunel first project
along with the latest photos in my picasa web gallery
Some people might be wondering what on earth am I studying or doing at the moment...well it is called "Multimedia Technology & Design" and it is...made in Brunel, where you can have a look what others are doing on their third year to get a taste of what I will be doing or going beyond by the 3rd year.