A bit late and as I promised here is this weeks wallpaper...Yes yes a little late since I really enjoyed my earlier blossom on my desktop. But this is really eye-catching, of course you might say, its National Geographic.
Anyone interested in photography either more or less should be subscribed to its news letters, not to mention to be buying the monthly magazine, but since I prefer the digital than the beautiful prints...
Anyway here is the Photo of the Day direct link for more information. The title of the picture is: Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina, 1983. You can either download it from here or directly from the website where you can get it customized according to your desktop.
Well now that I think of it, since I have bought my very first laptop, I had a dream to create my own National Geographic Gallery and view it as a screensaver, you can imagine what I have downloaded since December 2003...!!!
Wow it looks gorgeous on my 15" bright wide screen!! It's kind of preparing me for summer holidays, camping at a lonely beach in Chalkidiki and yet not so sunny, since the sky is quite dark,it feels like there is a serenity surrounding the summer; deep contrast in nature; is it me translating it as such, how do you see it?
...Ok I have decided to include the beauty here as well. Note: if you have a wide screen you definitely need to resize the pixels to make it look as it is really. You don't need to have Photoshop to do it, any photography software should do the job I believe.

By the way, let me know how you find it on your desktop as well...And have a good midweek!!
PS: This picture has put me in thoughts actually. To me this picture is "dead nature" theme. I will associate it with loss and grieve in everyday human life and as I have experienced it in Gestalt Therapy.
A term that I now take literally as it is. For example this tree is dead, there is no organism alive in this picture but the sea, if you may say so. It reminds me of one of the pictures I took while walking in the flourishing hill of Bray beach with Nikos my Greek friend, about a month ago. So, I was walking amidst the flowers we came up to a burn bushes area.
I would like to mention that here in Ireland I have hardly ever seen burned forests or bushes or anything burnt. Something very common during the summer months in Greece, unfortunately.
There and then, I took the picture amazed by the colours emerging of something burned, destroyed and desolated. Dead! Loss-Bereavement-Grief-Pain. Of whatever is important to each of us. From the little leaf to the branch it is loss all right! One would say it's the end of this little bush, which was once brightly flourishing, shining with vibrant colours and juices and life! Still, there is harmony in loss, the harmony of burned colours, black and gold and an indigo sky. There will be life again. You know that even nature needs its time to make up for the loss, just as humans. That made me love this part of the human nature, the harmony and the silence this side of the human nature that needs its time to re-grow, all over, from scratch. My side... Your side!
Of course, one might say, we as humans are a part of nature and as such we behave; only in this case I have had the chance to remind myself of that or even regain the knowledge of that. Accept it and most important, come closer to nature meant that I came closer to myself!