Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Rainbow" Spotted Over Idaho

Just a quick note today. I opened my emails as usual and received my National Geographic Newsletter and to my amaze I saw this rare rainbow! I quickly clicked the link to find out what it was and read that this is about a rare sky phenomenon which apparently takes a number of coincidences for it to occur and specific temperatures.

Like it takes a number of coincidences for us to be the ones to be born and not another sperm and a number of mesmerising coincidences happen, for us to have the characteristics that we have. DNA goes a long way to make things match. So we can be as unique and splendid as this heavenly phenomenon ! How many times have we thought of that?!

"It looks like a rainbow that's been set on fire, but this phenomenon is as cold as ice."
was the heading of the picture, which I associated to the burning sea sand during the summer, when as you might have experienced it is so burning hot that almost feels like frozen! Or like the an ice-cube in your mouth that is so freezing cold that is almost burning you!!

Here is the National Geographic Link describing what happened up there!

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