Saturday, July 29, 2006

The least we can do

Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition

This is not going to be just another philanthropy article, ecology is a secondary issue by far...this is my view point after a good few days of endless reading at the news about Lebanon.

So what is going on there? Is it an ongoing situation that will never end and we can't do anything about?

Is it a newly aggravated situation blending with past?
Out of the blue?
Maybe a good reason for disproportionate revenge?

Let's try and define it. People are being killed in both sides. Some are defending and some attacking. A child would be able to define it as a war. This is a war. And in every war there is a victim and a victimiser. Like in human relationships, it is never one mans fault or wrong doing. They both have a responsibility. The way I see it in its simplest form. It is like the wife forgotten to cook lunch once again and the infuriated husband is beating her till she bleeds to death! Therefore in my eyes this is clearly disproportionate and inhumane. No healthy humane human being would go that far. No animal would go that far to its race.

Ok. One might ask how serious is this now?- I read at the BBC website, that this immediate response from a great number of Prime Ministers in the world, is dictating how serious this is or can be. Yet, I really wonder why they are still contemplating on the issue, when they simply need to place buffer in between the fighting sides. Are they afraid to put soldiers in case they might die of the ruthless Israeli attacks? No, a soldier is like a pawn in a chessboard, dispensable hence. Then, why do they not make the next move?!

Today I was reading an Irish Newspaper. I am sorry I don't remember its title; I was subdued into the text. So this article was saying that poor ambulance drivers are trying to make a joke of the situation to keep their sanity. I was astonished to read this Lebanese man saying that anyone who things that this is exaggeration, might as well take a look at one of the 5 hit ambulanced so far. I was goose pimpled when I read that these drivers are everyday Lebanese people, students, plumbers who are not getting paid a penny to risk their lives in hope of saving others. Brotherhood...above religion, nationality, money.

Another day I heard that a Norwegian newspaper had comic cartoon of an Israeli-Nazi, shooting Lebanese people for fun. Who said that violence is not hereditary? However, this journalist who took the high risk of making this joke is facing the court soon. This is the freedom of speech and democracy in 2006 ladies and gentleman! Tell me that his joke has yet to cross your mind?

I had a friend who was in Lebanon since the beginning of the month. I met some wonderful Greek-Lebanese once. I wish them all the best. I have seen enough appalling pictures, have read a good number of hypothetical and political articles and reportaz photos. Again, this as every time I wonder, why I sit back writing this essay contemplating about the situation and depicting my emotions with regards to the situation, when I could be there and help out as much as possible? I feel little then. And little as I am, I am afraid that this is not a good sign. Another traumatised generation. Violence gives birth to more violence and fanaticism birth to more fanaticism. "
Ενός κακού, μύρρια έπονται"
Neither for Europe, America, Russia... Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, Buddhists. We, the world are responsible for our passivity and we must bear this for future reference.

I really wonder what do everyday Israeli people are thinking about their governments’ retaliation war plan. If there is anybody out there who would like to share his opinion and reply to my innocent query, I would be glad to read, honestly.

All in all, I think that it doesn't feel comfortable for anybody to think that while your are dinning out, going to the cinema, sipping your drink or swimming in the sea carefree; somewhere in the back little drawer of your mind you have in mind that there are innocent, everyday people like you and me who are in danger. The feeling of it doesn't make me comfortable enjoying my day in full, I tell you.

Ok then, lets give some money and let's be done with the slightest guilt’s. I sent an email to any possible person I know who has an email. Some might not even consider that this might work. But either it works or not, 5 minutes of your time to sign the petition and click the link to verify your email address is not worth money... and it is not to wash away the guilt’s ( only) but to give a bit of hope for all of us on this little planet we call earth.

Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition

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